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Becoming An Advocate

You know people I don’t know and have a place of influence into lives that I don’t.  If you believe in me and what I am doing to bring God’s Kingdom to earth, maybe God is calling you to be an advocate for me. By being an advocate you can increase my area of influence by talking to your area of influence about me.  Refer a friend or family member to join my team and be a part of the ministry God is doing through me.


In the navy boxes are a few ideas you might could do as an advocate, but these are just a few suggestions. Be creative and ask God how you can advocate for me to increase my support team.  

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If you are interested in being an advocate, contact me and tell me what you have in mind or we can process it together!

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Ask God if you should speak to any of your friends or family about joining my support team? If He brings anybody to mind approach them and tell them about me. Encourage them to pray about if God is asking them to partner with me. If they are open to praying about it, follow up with them in a few days to see if God spoke to them. If God is leading them to be a part, make sure they are clear on how to go about this, or put them in touch with me. If it would be helpful, I can mail you an info packet about myself to give to them. 


Host a meal or dessert in your home (or church, other meeting area) and invite a group of your friends to come and hear about me. Depending on your location I would love to come and do a presentation about myself and how they can partner with me. If I am not able to physically make it to your location, we can discuss other options of making the presentation, such as a pre-recorded video or an internet video call, etc. It is helpful if you endorse me to your friends before the presentation since they most likely will not know me or anything about me. 


If you belong to or are involved in any local groups or clubs (such as a youth group, ladies/mens group, home group, quilting club, etc.), talk to them about adopting me as their missionary. They could agree to support me monthly or spend a couple minutes of a monthly meeting praying for me.  I can send you information packets on me or possibly do a presentation to your group about me. If your group agrees to partner with me in some manner, be a "champion" for me in the group to keep them from forgetting about me. 


Talk to your pastor or mission board about supporting me and/or allowing me to come and share at your church about missions and how they can partner with me. I can send you information about myself and what I do. Depending on your location I could possibly come and do a presentation for your mission board/pastor. If I am unable to make it to your location we could possibly do an internet video call. 

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