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Becoming A Prayer Partner

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

Eph 6:12 (NLT)

This is a very true reality and there is not much that our enemy hates more than those in the darkness finding the light. When your mission in life is to see that happen it tends to make you a target of our enemy. I cannot win the victory on my own. I need committed prayer partners who will stand with me and keep me covered in prayer. People who will seek God on my behalf and go to "war" when necessary.


In the brown box, you will find a list of general prayer points you can pray over me. Below you can sign up to be on my prayer team and I will email you when I have a specific need you can be praying for. You can also sign up to receive monthly updates to hear more about what is going on with me and currents needs I have. 


General Prayer Points
  • Pray that daily my highest priority would be a wholehearted pursuit of God. 


  • Pray that I would be able to clearly see and combat the enemy's tactics to trip me up in that pursuit. 


  • Pray that I would be able to clearly hear God's direction in my life on a moment by moment basis. 


  • Pray that I would have the desire, faith, courage and/or whatever else I may need in the moment to walk in obedience to what He is asking of me. 


  • Pray for His power to flow through me as I minister to those He leads me too. 


  • Pray for open doors to the things/places He desires for me and closed doors to the wrong things. 


  • Pray for God to place a hedge of protection around every aspect of my life from my health to my possessions. 


  • Pray that God would increase my partnership team, so that I have the prayer and financial backing I need to accomplish all He is calling me to do. 


  • Pray for more laborers as we seek to reach the lost. 


  • Pray for God's presence and power to be poured out around the world in increasing measures. 


  • Pray that God would continue to give us His divine strategies to reach every soul. 


  • Pray for the completion of the Great Commission to become a reality.

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