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Becoming A Partner

The Great Commission can not be completed with just a few of us; it is going to take all of us partnering together!  In Mark 16:15, “He (Jesus) said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” Jesus said this applies to every Christian. I realize that every Christian is not called to go to the ends of the earth, but I do believe that every Christian should be involved in one way or another in getting the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  If you are not called to go, you should be involved in praying and sending others.  

I want to give you an amazing opportunity to partner with me to see the Gospel taken to the ends of the earth and the Great Commission fulfilled. You can partner with me in financial support, prayer, or be an advocate for me. Together we can see the Great Commission fulfilled. You can make an investment that has an eternal return attached to it. Just imagine all the souls you will get to meet in heaven one day who want to thank you for the investment you made that was a part of them coming to know the Lord!  Is God calling you to this partnership? If yes, go to Becoming a Financial Partner for more detail. If you are not able to partner with me financially, you can also become an Advocate or a Prayer Partner.

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