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Serving with YWAM Ships

I started a 6-month cadetship program on the M/V Logos Hope on February 1, 2022. The M/V Logos Hope is not operated by YWAM, but a different agency. I am not leaving YWAM, but will be working with them for the training that they can offer me in this season. I want to have the knowledge and experience to serve at a higher capacity on the different YWAM ships God sends me to.


In order to do this, I need to gain some hand-on experience working in different capacities. This program will provide an amazing opportunity to learn while still being able to serve in a ministry capacity. The M/V Logos Hope is a much bigger ship than I am used to working on and I am really excited to see what all God has for me to learn in this season.


I started my time with Logos Hope working in Western Africa. From there we made our way north and into the Mediterranean working in Europe and North Africa. We made our way around and into the Persian Gulf. I will finish up my time with them in Eastern Africa. 

When I finished my time in the Cadet Program and I began working onboard as the Training Officer. I served with Logos Hope into March of 2024.

The M/V (motor vessel) Logos Hope was originally built in

Germany in 1973, this 132.5 meter, 12,519 Gross ton ship sleeps over 400 people. It has sailed all around the world delivering the hope of Christ.

I gained so much knowledge and experience serving on Logos Hope and am now excited to return to YWAM ships with that knowledge.

My Latest Adventure

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M/V Logos Hope
To find out more about the
M/V Logos Hope and see upcoming ports, click here!
How can you help?


Give…I am not a paid volunteer, so I need to raise funds to cover my expenses. Having people committed to partner with me donating one time gifts or joining my monthly support team is what makes it possible for me to serve like I do. Would you consider giving to me as I help share the love of Christ? 

Click here for details on how to give.


Go…Want to come and volunteer for a week of more on one of the ships? We are always looking people with a willing heart to serve to come and join us as we do our part to fulfill the Great Commission. For more details contact me here.

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Pray…Prayer is really needed. Here are a few prayer points:

1. Wisdom: We need wisdom from God as we are setting up ministry and working with governments.

2. Provision: We need God to provide so much: from funding, to supplies, to crew & volunteers.

3. Protection: We need God’s hand to be over the ship, its crew and volunteers.

Check out my newsletters to see video updates from each month.

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YWAM Ships

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