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2020 Updates

December 2020

2020 Year-in-Review 

There is no doubt that 2020 looked different than everyone planned. It was full of challenges that each of us had to work to overcome. But God was with us through it all. Even with the changes of plans and the obstacles He showed up and did some really great things. For my December update, I have put together a video overview, highlighting some of what we saw God doing with and through us.


Watch this video to see the highlights of what God did in 2020 with me and Pacific Hope Global. 

November 2020

Home Sweet Home!

We left The Bahamas and completed our sail from Istanbul, Turkey to Savannah, GA. The ship is there getting some work done, before returning to The Bahamas. After we arrived in Savannah, I departed and drove home for the holidays. I was able to spend Thanksgiving with my family. It was such a blessing. I am taking a bit of a break for a couple of months, so I will get to be home for Christmas this year as well! 

Watch this video to see an overview of November as well as an update on the ministry on the Pacific Hope. 

October 2020

Off We Go

We made it across the Atlantic Ocean to the Bahamas! The sail from The Canary Islands to the Bahamas took 3 weeks. It was an amazing experience. Watch this video to see our exciting trip across.


Watch this video to see our Atlantic crossing adventure. 

September 2020

Mediterranean Sea crossed; Atlantic Ocean, here we come!

On August 28th we set sail from Istanbul, sailed through the sea of Marmara, the Dardanelles, & the Aegean Sea. Then we had the incredible experience of sailing through the Corinth Canal. From there it was through the Gulf of Corinth, the Ionian Sea, & the Straits of Messina between Sicily and Italy. Then across the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. That took us two weeks and we made our first stop in Palma, Mallorca. After 3 days in Palma, we continued on through the remainder of the Mediterranean, through the Straits of Gibraltar and into the Atlantic Ocean. A week later we arrived into Tenerife, The Canary Islands.


We are currently here getting some maintenance done, restocking the vessel, having a few days off and waiting on a good weather window to begin our sail across the Atlantic. The plan is to leave here and sail straight across to the Bahamas. Please be praying for wisdom, safety and good weather as we make our way across. Follow our journey on our Facebook page:

@ywam next wave.

Watch this video to see some of our adventure crossing the Mediterranean.

August 2020

Off We Go

It is finally time to set sail for the Caribbean. We will be pulling off the dock and starting our sail on Aug 29th. Please be praying for us as we go. I will keep you updated as much as I can along the way. 

Watch this video to see us preparing and to hear more about the journey. 

July 2020

Anchor's Aweigh

Well, I wish I was saying that we are starting our sail across the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, but not quite yet. We have raised the anchors (that were down for maintenance) in preparation for putting the ship back in the water. This is a huge step forward. We will have a week or two in the water to make sure everything is in working order after so much work. Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks we will begin our journey towards the Caribbean. Please join us in prayer that Covid-19 or issues with the ship would not be able to delay our departure any longer. 


Clink on the video below to see what we have been doing on the ship this month. 

June 2020

We're still in the Shipyard, but when do we sail?

Things are going really good here in the shipyard. We are getting so much work done on the ship, but we are not quite ready to sail. We have also been waiting on the needed borders to open and to be able to get all our crew back to Turkey. With all that is going on in the world, it is a bit of a moving target.


Watch my update video to see some of the changes to the ship this month and to hear more of the plan on when we want to sail.

May 2020

What 😳, Three Months?!?!

It is hard to believe that I have been in Turkey for almost 3 months. As I write this, I actually had to look at a calendar to make sure it had really been that long. But today, it has been exactly 12 weeks. Crazy. And these 3 months have been very full of a lot of physical work. It has been so worth it to see the changes coming along in the Next Wave. And it is even more rewarding when I think about all the students, crew, and volunteers who will be working on this ship as we minister in the Caribbean; as I think about how God is going to move in and through their lives to impact the people of the Caribbean.



Watch the following video to see some of what we have been doing this month. 

April 2020

The Next Wave's Transformation

We have been working really hard in the shipyard all month to get the Next Wave ready to sail to the Caribbean. When we planned this shipyard period, we originally scheduled 3 weeks. We definitely didn't think we would be here this long. At this point, with the state of things in the world, we don't even know how long we will have to be here before the borders reopen and we can begin to sail to the Caribbean. But there has been a really good side to all of this. Turkey is a great place to get work done on your ship for a great price. High quality materials are very inexpensive here. So, with being "stuck" here and the price being right, we have decided to do a lot more work on the ship than we originally thought we would be able to do. A lot of the ship is getting a very nice upgrade. 

We have spent most of the month tearing things out, deep cleaning everything and prepping different areas for its makeover. With the close out of April we are finding ourselves in a place where we are ready to start rebuilding things. 


In the meantime, watch the following video to see some of what we have been doing this month, as well as see what the Pacific Hope has been up to in the Bahamas. 

March 2020

Drum roll, please 🥁...

As I talked about in last month’s update, there have been a lot of changes going on with me and Pacific Hope Global lately. I have spent the last 5.5 weeks in Europe helping with the S/Y Next Wave. We have purchased this ship and are working to get it ready to sail to the Caribbean to increase our capacity in sharing the love of Christ.


Watch this video to see more about where I am and what I have been doing with the Next Wave.

Feb 2020

Exciting changes are coming!


The Pacific Hope and I are in the middle of some big changes this month. I am currently in Europe working on this new venture. Watch this update video for a sneak peak. Please keep a close eye on my Facebook page to hear more details are they are released and definitely stay tuned for next month’s update with all the fun revealed. 

Jan 2020

Five Months Later


I have been working in the Bahamas with the M/V Pacific Hope for 5 months now. We have accomplished so much, but the need is still huge.


Watch this update video to what the Bahamas currently look like and what we have been doing. 

Donate towards our Bahamas Relief Efforts: 


2019 Updates

Dec 2019

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!​


2019 was a great year that held a lot of changes and some really great ministry. Click the link below to see my year-in-review newsletter.

Oct 2019

Little Grand Cay

We sailed from Freeport to Grand Cay at the beginning of the month to join our land-based team working here. Grand Cay is a group of islands in the Abaco chain of islands in the Northern Bahamas. We have been working here since a week after the storm. Little Grand Cay is a small island that currently has around 300 people living on it. This gives us a great opportunity to get to know and really make an impact on everyone on the island. We have committed to help them rebuild the island. We have several different things going on here on Little Grand Cay. 



Come on a walk with me around Little Grand Cay and see all that we are doing. 

Donate towards our Bahamas Relief Efforts: 


August 2019

Youth, Teeth, and Renovations

This month has been full of all three. We had a full ship the first couple of weeks of August. We had two different youth groups onboard. They did such a great job diving into ministry and sharing the love of Christ throughout San Pedro. I love seeing teenagers fired up about Jesus.

 We also held a week of dental clinics after the youth teams were gone. Ministry has been really impactful this month.

We have wrapped up the month by starting a couple of needed onboard renovation projects. We had 2 new dental chairs donated to us for our dental clinic earlier this year. They arrived in the Dominican Republic a couple of weeks ago and we finally have them onboard. To install them, we are needing to do some major renovations to the clinic. This is going to make our clinics so much more effective. We are excited to see the new and updated clinics completed next month before we start clinics up again in October. We have also started to remodel a couple of the ship bathrooms to make some needed repairs and make them more functional. It has been a full month to say the least. 

Watch this recap video to see our first youth outreach of this summer in action.

Nov 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

Things in The Bahamas continue to go well, and I have so much to be thankful for this November.


Want to see some of what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving, watch this update video.

Donate towards our Bahamas Relief Efforts: 


Sept 2019

Bahamas Relief Update

We have been on the ground here in The Bahamas 3 weeks. The need here is so hard to imagine. We have been busy sorting and distributing donations, distributing water, tarping homes, running a clinic and much more. 


Watch this recap video of what we have been doing. 

Donate towards our Bahamas Relief Efforts: 


July 2019

Welcome Back Youth

We just completed our first youth outreach for this summer. It was a team of 20 and they were with us for two weeks. They were able to do a lot of different types of ministry during their stay. They did so great diving in and sharing the love of Christ around San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic.


Watch this recap video to see our first youth outreach of this summer in action.

June 2019

Summer has started with a splash!

We ran three straight weeks of clinics in June and saw 840 patients. We also had a ship full of volunteers most of the month, which was very helpful with our larger clinics. We had three teams coming from Houston and Midland, TX, and Georgia. Each stayed 7 to 10 days with us. They were all so full of the love of Christ and did an amazing job of not just touching people's physical needs, but of really taking the time to share His love with each person.

Here is a break down of the patients we saw this month:
General Healthcare = 308 Patients
Dentistry = 330 Patients
Eye Screenings = 180 Patients
Cataract Surgeries = 22 Patients
Pterygium Surgeries = 3 Patients

Watch this recap video to get a peek into our outreaches this month.

May 2019

Welcome to Dominican Republic!

The town of San Pedro De Marcoris held a celebration for us as we pulled into port there earlier this month. It was quite the welcome to the Dominican Republic.

We have committed to serve here for at least the next 6 months. We are so excited to see what God has in store for our time here. Our outreaches and clinics have begun and are going really well.


Watch this recap video to get a glimpse into life in Dominican Republic and our outreaches.

April 2019

Bye, Bye Dominica

This month we wrapped up our outreaches in Dominica. It was hard to say goodbye to these beautiful people and the friends we have made in the last year of working there. After leaving Dominica, we made a stop in the British Virgin Islands for a few days off, to pick up supplies, and do some upkeep on the ship. We also sent an advance team to Dominican Republic (DR) to get things ready for the ship to arrive and begin outreaches. We will be sailing to Dominican Republic and starting outreaches in May. The government is welcoming us with open arms, and we are very excited to see all that God has in store for us these next few months in DR. 


Here is a recap video of April's outreaches and activities.

March 2019

And So It Begins...

Our 2019 outreach season has begun. This month we sailed back to Dominica and started outreaches. It has been a good month of sharing the love of Jesus with the people of Dominica. 


Here is a recap video of our exciting outreaches.

February 2019

A Exciting New Look!

I finished my visit and training time in Florida and made it back to the ship this month. It was very fun to get back and see all of the changes. The ship is finishing up the Refit period in the Dominican Republic. It is looking like a whole new ship. You will definitely want to watch this exciting video to see some of the changes. 


We will be sailing back to Dominica the beginning of next week and starting outreaches again on the 10th of March. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel and begin outreaches. 

January 2019

Fire Fighting and More!


There was a delay at the shipyard with pulling the ship out of the water. With this delay it was decided that it would be a good time for me to go and get some training that we had been talking about be doing. I spent the last 3 weeks in Ft. Lauderdale taking some courses and getting some certifications that have increased my knowledge and will benefit the ministry. It was very mentally challenging being back in school, but there was some really fun experiences as well. 

The ship is currently out of the water getting all fixed up. Stay tuned to next month to see all the improvements!


Watch this video to see some of what I learned this month. (I got to learn how to fight fires on ships, amongst other things.)

2018 Updates

December 2018

Surfing the Wave!


2018 has been quite the year. I sold my home, car and moved to the Caribbean to help pioneer the M/V Pacific Hope ministry. I have been to Panama, Columbia, Dominica, Guadeloupe, British Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands, & the Dominican Republic. I had no idea at the beginning of last year what all God had in store, but it has been better than I would have ever thought.

God asked me at the beginning of the year, "Would I be willing to ride this wave with him?" Watch this video to see an overview of what "Riding this Wave" has looked like.

October 2018

A October of Abundance


October was so full of ministry. Our crew and volunteer really dove into reaching out to the people of Dominica this month. From children's ministry, to clinics, eye surgeries, street preaching, and more. God was so good and really worked through us to impact hearts and lives.


Watch this update video to see a bit of the ministry done this month. 

August 2018

The Big Move...


August was a full month with a lot going on both on the ship and in my life. Watch this video to see more.

June 2018

Outreaches Have Been Making An Impact


With the end of June, we have also wrapped up our 5th outreach here in Dominica. They have been going so well, with lots of different projects going on. We have seen hundreds of lives directly touched. It is such an exciting thing to be a part of what God is doing through this ministry here in Dominica.


Watch this update video to see some of the ministry we have been doing this month

April 2018

April has been such an exciting month. We finally made it to Dominica and have begun ministering on this hurting Caribbean island. 

Watch this update video to see some of the ministry we have been doing this month. It has been a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. We need volunteers to help. If you know anyone who might like to give a week or two to come and serve, please have them email 

February 2018

Pioneering a ministry is a LOT of work, but it is so fulfilling. We have had a busy month here in Panama getting things set up and ready for our arrival in Dominica later in March. We will be running several months of outreaches doing hurricane relief work.

Watch this update video to see the highlights of what we have been up to this month on the M/V Pacific Hope. 

November 2018

And That's A Wrap!


As of November 21st, I have been on the M/V Pacific Hope for one year. It is crazy how fast this year has gone by and all the changes that have taken place. It was not at all the year I expected, but God did some incredible things and has taken me places I never would have imagined. 


Another thing that happened this month is the close of our 2018 outreach season here in Dominica. We will spend the month of December getting some maintenance done, as well as preparing for the 2019 outreach season. 

Watch this update video to see some of the beauty of Dominica and what I have been up to in November.

September 2018

Get Ready, Get Set, ...


September was all about getting ready to "go". Our next outreach Season starts the beginning of October and this month has been busy getting the ship, clinics, and volunteers ready to run the clinics/outreaches. We are ready and excited to see what God has in store for these outreaches.

Watch this update video to see how we have been preparing. 

July 2018

Youth Making a Difference


We had about 30 people (plus our crew) join us for our July outreach. We designed this outreach for youth to come and serve the island of Dominica, as well as have a lot of fun on the ship and around the island. 

Watch this update video to see what the youth in action. 

May 2018

Mid-May we finally gained the permission needed to start running clinics here in Dominica. We have started with dental clinics on the ship. We have already been able to treat several hundred dental patients.

We have also been continuing working on different hurricane relief construction projects around the island. We have been here long enough to have really established some good relationships. We have been able to see some good movement forward in sharing Christ to new friends, and have had several open doors in which we are able to help with discipleship of those already Christians. We are really seeing God move here on the island. Watch this update video to see some of our month.

March 2018

It is finally time to begin sailing to Dominica. Our first outreach begins April 7th. We have 6 one and two-week outreaches between April and the end of July.

Dominica is a small, independent, island in the Eastern Caribbean. Last Sept, it was hit hard by Hurricane Maria, devastating homes, infrastructure and livelihoods. It is such an honor to be able to bring medical care, construction work, and the love to Jesus to this island in much need of help. Be praying for our first cycle of outreaches this spring. If you know anyone who might like to give a week or two to come and serve, please have them email


Watch this update video to see the highlights of what we have been up to this month on the M/V Pacific Hope. 

January 2018

What a month January on the ship has been! We have seen our crew grow in numbers which has allowed us to get so many more things done. We are keeping very busy getting everything in order with the logistics of starting a new ministry, with the set-up of outreaches (starting this spring), and with doing maintenance on the ship. We will be leaving Panama in the next few days and sailing to Columbia for a few weeks. Be praying for calm seas for that sail.


Watch this update video to see what we have been up to this month. Keep your eyes out for the sloth and other fun animals living on our island.

2017 Updates

December 2017

Take a tour of the M/V Pacific Hope

I hope everyone has had a great holiday season. My December was a month of learning a lot of new things. We worked this month with a skeleton crew so everyone onboard had jobs to cover in both the deck dept and the engine dept. It has been fun to learn things I normally wouldn't get to do. We have also been busy restructuring things (as the ship just changed leadership Dec 1st) and working to set up next year's ministry locations in the Caribbean. I am really enjoying this opportunity to be a part of pioneering a new ministry and all the faith ventures that come along with that.

Watch the following video to see a tour of the ship.

November 2017

La Vida es Buena en Panamá

(Life is good in Panama)

So many exciting things have happened in November, including our Eastern North American Gathering, my arrival on the m/v Pacific Hope in Panama, and a Thanksgiving Day sail through the Panama Canal. Watch this update video see the highlights.

October 2017

🎶 Leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again. 🎶

October has been a really busy month of prepping for our annual district conference that begins November 5th. I am helping to organize things for it and it has kept me extremely busy. Our fall schools also started the beginning of this month. We have 100 students and they definitely make things more active around campus. God is already doing powerful things in and through them. Lastly, I am leaving Nov 20th to go and do hurricane relief work in... (watch video for more details).

September 2017

Hurricane Irma left a mess...

but that didn't stop us! The ministry continues forward. Watch this month’s update to see how we did with Irma and what else has been happening this month.

August 2017

In 2017, Colleen sailed the ocean blue...


I just got done with a 4 day sail from the Bahamas to the Florida Keys, helping some friends move their boat. So fun. Watch the video below to see me on the boat and hear about what else has been up this month. Enjoy!

July 2017

Praises and Thank You's!

I have finished paying off my 7 months training time with YWAM Ships and outreach to Papua New Guinea. I saw God bring in around $12,000 to cover all my expenses and the airfare needed for those 7 months. I want to praise God for His unbelievable faithfulness to do what can seem to be the impossible and I thank each and every one of you who give so that I could see this happen!

Does God Still Raise the Dead?

A lot has been going on in the month of June here at YWAM Orlando. It's a big transition time between our spring and summer programs. I created a video to capture a bit of all the happenings. Enjoy! 

June 2017

The Ending of Spring...The Beginning of Summer

A lot has been going on in the month of June here at YWAM Orlando. It's a big transition time between our spring and summer programs. I created a video to capture a bit of all the happenings. Enjoy! 

April 2017

Goodbye Papua New Guinea

I have had a wonderful 4 months in PNG, but the time has come to return home. I am currently traveling back now. I would love to connect with as many of you as possible to share stories and pictures. Email me if you are interested in getting together!


 Here is one last video update about my last month in PNG. I spent most of this month on the M/V YWAM PNG. You can see some highlights from this past outreach in the Gulf Province, as well as hear some very exciting personal news. Enjoy!

March 2017

Here's to endings and new beginnings!

We have had a great month here in the shipyard working on the M/V Pacific Link and getting it ready for the year's outreaches. It has been a lot of work and some fun too. Here are some highlights and an update on what is next.


Watch to the very end for some great entertainment!

May 2017

Lots Of Changes Going On...

I have been home at YWAM Orlando for a month now. It is great to be back. The last 7 months of traveling were incredible, but it feels good to be back.


Here is a video about my last month at home. Watch to see some of the changes that have happened. Enjoy!

April 2017 - Ship Tour

See the ship (M/V YWAM PNG) that I am on.

Want to see a tour of the ship I am currently working on in Papua New Guinea? Watch this video and I will show you around.

February 2017

Watch my latest update...

Hello from Papua New Guinea. I have been in Papua New Guinea for almost 8 weeks now and have about 7 weeks to go before I return home. I am having such a great time. Ministry is going great and I am enjoying my role as purser on the M/V Pacific Link. [A ship's purser is the person on a ship responsible for the handling of money on board. The purser is the officer responsible for administration and supply; the cooks and stewards answer to them as well.] 

Here is another video to update you on the past couple of months.

February 2017 - Ship Tour

Tour the ship (M/V Pacific Link) that I am on.

Come, join my friend Ellie (our medical coordinator) and I on a tour of the medical ship the M/V Pacific Link that I have been living and working on here in Papua New Guinea.

January 2017

And the blind see...

After a couple days of travel and a jump of the date line, I arrived in Papua New Guinea the 3rd of January. My first three weeks here have been really great. 

I thought rather than just write about what we have been doing, I would put together a video for you to recap my first three weeks here. Enjoy.

2016 Updates

December 2016

"I am leaving on a Jet Plane" & 2016 in review

I leave tomorrow (January 1st) for Papua New Guinea.

I will be serving as the Purser on the YWAM medical ship, M/V Pacific Link, until the end of March.  I got my passport back with my visa yesterday. Talk about cutting it close. Thanks for all the prayers for this. It truly was a miracle.

A few days after I arrive the ship will depart for the Sepik River. We will spend two months in this very remote area. We will sail from village to village doing…

November 2016

You can’t discover new lands without first losing sight of the shore.

That is what this new season has been all about. I have struck out on a new adventure with God. The last two months have been so great. I am learning so many new things about boating and myself. It hasn’t always been easy, but God has been so faithful. I love what I have been learning about sailing. We have now completed four levels of American Sailing Association (ASA) Certification. In about one month, I will be...

October 2016

Wow! What a month! So very good.

I am just so blown away by Gods love for me. It is so unbelievably amazing.  I

have seen it on a daily basis. It isn't conditional, I can't earn it. It just is and He is longing to pour it out over us. The other day, He took me to Matt 6:33. It says, "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need." (NLT) The last 1.5 years God has helped me shift some priorities in my life and change some of my habits. I really have been trying to live in a way that is seeking Him above all else. When He took me to this verse the other day I felt like He told me...

September 2016

And The Adventure Has Begun!

I arrived at YWAM Ships training facility Thursday evening the 29th. It is so beautiful

here. It is such a blessing. God is such a good God! The last couple of days we have done orientation and some "welcome/get-to-know-you" activites. We start class on Monday. I can’t wait to see what all God has in store for this next season. Click below to see a video and a few pictures from my first two days.

August 2016

The Countdown Is On...4 Weeks To Go!

I leave in four-weeks to start my six-months of training with YWAM Ships. I am so excited to

start this training. I would really appreciate your prayer for me during this training time. It has been over 20 years since I have been in a school type setting. I want to get all God has for me in this season and learn all I need to learn.


In order to complete this training...

July 2016

Exciting New Adventures!!! Jesus Appears to Syrian Refugees

Our missionaries working 

in the Middle East tell us so many stories of Jesus showing up in Muslim’s dreams. So many are surrendering to Jesus after finding out more about this “man in white” who appears to them in their dreams. I read this story the other day of Jesus appearing to a family while they were awake. It is such an encouraging story that I wanted to share it with you this month. Please continue to pray for God to make Himself known in the Muslim world.


Daniel had gone to the Middle East to work with Syrian refugees.  He would go from refugee tent to refugee tent in this Middle Eastern nation and love on the people.  If they opened up to him then he would...

June 2016

Exciting New Adventures!!!

I feel like God has been leading me to volunteer with YWAM Ships for 5 months later this year 

into the beginning of next year. I will be heading to Kona, Hi the end of September for some training and to volunteer with their fleet support office. The start of next year I will be spending several weeks in Papua New Guinea on their ship Pacific Link. I am still working out all of the details, but am very excited to see all that God has in store for me in this season. Below is a video about the Pacific Link and their work in Papua New Guinea. Please be praying for this trip. I need to...

April 2016

I Finally Did it...check it out!

God is pouring out His Spirit in amazing ways!


On April 9th a man named Lou Engle gathered close to 100,000

people together in Los Angeles for a day of prayer. The event was called Azusa Now and was on the 110th anniversary of the Azusa street revival. It was a call for another great awakening in the U.S. and in the nations. I wasn’t able to attend, but I watched a lot of it online. It was such an incredibly powerful time. One of amazing things that happened...

May 2016

Miraculous Stories From the Field!

Our Winter schools returned from their outreaches a couple of weeks

ago with so many miraculous stories. Here are a couple:

Our Winter Discipleship Training School’s two month outreach was divided up with two weeks ministering in L.A. and the remainder working in China. They saw God moving in such powerful ways! Their time in China was so amazing. China is a communist country that can make sharing the Gospel something that has to be done very cautiously and salvations come slowly. But God is up to something in China and...

March 2016

Cleaning Bathrooms in refugee camp = Salvations!

We had 8 outreach teams all over the world in January and February. They were able to minister to 10,491 people, distribute 508 Bibles, see God heal 60

people and lead 154 people into salvation! Those numbers in and of themselves can be impressive, but easy to just scan over. But each of those numbers represents a person, with dreams, hopes, hurts and disappointments. Each a life in need of Jesus. He is moving around the world and it is an honor to be his hands and feet here on earth. Here is one story from a team that was working in Greece with the refugee crisis. These are a few of the lives that have been changed for eternity!...

2015 Updates
December 2015

Miracles, Lavender Seeds, & a Merry Christmas!

He Healed You and He Loves You Very Much!


Our Summer Discipleship 

Training School just returned

from 2 months in Central Asia a couple of weeks ago. Here is just one of the amazing stories from their outreach:


"It started off as a normal day. We woke up, ate breakfast, then volunteered at a local church. Later we returned home to get ready to go back out; we were going to spend the evening making new friends! We split into small groups and headed off to get dinner, with the goal of forging new friendships to invest in while we're here...

September 2015

A Cup of Soup, Some Hope, and a Party in Heaven!


Our Spring Discipleship Training School just returned

WHAT? It's been 20 years!?!

from two months in South Africa a couple of weeks ago. Here is a story by the team leader and her husband:


"One day we went to provide food for a neighborhood in Worcester that is known for poverty and gang activity. When we arrived I was struck by the appearance - several rundown apartment buildings lined the courtyard, which was a giant stretch of dusty land; graffitied dumpsters sat, rusted and half full. As we made our way to the center of the courtyard, the neighborhood children began making their way toward us; there was light in their eyes, a hope that broke my heart...

July 2015


Today is your day.

You’re off to great

places! You’re off

and away! - from Dr. Seuss’ Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

True Freedom, Ninjas, and a little Dr. Seuss

This is so often the story of our lives here at YWAM Orlando - people come and people go. The Bible says the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. We are doing our part to change that and sending people “off and away” to the nations is what we are all about. So as hard as it may be, we train them, congratulate them, and send them on their way. So far this year we have sent our training schools on outreaches to South Africa, Algeria, China, Turkey and the U.S. We have also sent people long term into Lebanon, Turkey and Indonesia...

April 2015

Talk about a party...

Winter Outreaches - Sharing Peace of Christ

Our Fall schools returned from their outreaches the end of February with some amazing stories of God’s power. They were able to share the love of Jesus with over 8,400 people. They saw 46 people healed and 106 salvations. Here is a story from one of our students who was on an outreach to the Middle East.


"During our time in the Middle East we have been distributing food, mattresses, blankets, and warm clothing to refugees. Each day we go to 2-3 homes and usually end up spending 1-2 hours in each home, just building relationships and sharing testimonies of what God has done in our own lives...

Serving with


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