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  • Colleen Crawford

August 2024: My Team is Growing

If you saw my last month’s newsletter, you know I spent July working to grow my "ground support team/launch pad".  What does that mean? Basically, I can’t do what God has called me to do on my own. Just as God has called me to serve him by going to the nations, He has called others to be a part of the team that sends me out and covers me in prayer. These people have a crucial part in the ministry that I do. They will share in the reward of the souls that have been impacted with the Gospel through what I am doing.


In order to move on into the exciting new season of ministry that God is calling me into, I need to see this team of people increase. I continued with setting up meetings with people, churches, and businesses this month. It has been a great time of going deeper in relationships, sharing about what God is calling me to, sharing stories of how He is impacting lives through my ministry, and sharing about what is coming next. I ask people to pray about if God is calling them to be a part of my Ground Support Team. There is no pressure to do that, it is just about sharing opportunity, raising awareness, and deepening friendships.

I have not reached my goals that I need to reach to continue on with my move to the next season, so I will be continuing to meet with people through the month of September. If you would be interested in meeting with me, please reach out. If you are in Central FL, we can get together in person, if not we can do a video call.


A Challenge to Missions

One of the things that I am passionate about is being able to share my love for missions with other Christians and challenge them to gain a larger heart to see people from every tribe, tongue, nation, and people group declaring that Jesus is their Lord. I had the opportunity two different Sunday’s this month to preach in two different churches and give a mission message. It was such an honor to do this and I pray that God continues to open more doors for opportunities like these.


Prayer Points
  • This season of strengthening my team is crucial. Please pray that God would open the doors for me to meet with the right people. Pray that I would have wisdom on who to reach out to about meeting with me. Also, that God would move on people to reach out to me as well. 

  • Pray for positive/quick responses as I reach out to people.  I would love to see my schedule fill up with meetings. 

  • Pray as I meet with people that God would inspire just the right people to commit to joining my "ground support team" and I would see an increase in the people standing with me in prayer and financial giving. 


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